Electives 1. Semester:
DM_D1_E (A&G) Classic Animation (R.Scheffner, K.Kafka)
DM_D1_E (A&G) Drawing and Visualisation (H. Werres, K. Kafka)
DM_MIT1_E (A&G) Programming for Beginners (B. Weber, T. Kohlhaase)
DM_E | Editing & Compositing (Christian Stadach)

Seminar Vorpraktikum und Praxisphase; auch Ausland
Media Philosphy 2:
Projects 2. Semester
Projects 3. Semester
Projects 4. Semester
Projects 5. Semester
Non-focus-specific electives
DM_E | Uselab

Non-focus-specific electives (Cluster Media Culture)
DM_E (MC) | 1968: Protest, Experiment und Innovation
DM_E (MC) | Ästhetik: Philosophie der Technik
DM_E (MC) | Media Ecology
DM_E (MC) | Social Psychology of Media
DM_E (MC) | “Tuning the Globe” - Managing a Transdisciplinary World-Conference

Non-focus-specific electives (Cluster Media Informatics/Technology)
DM_E (MIT) | Game Programming
DM_E (MIT) | Introduction to programming – Image- and videoprocessing in C++
DM_E (MIT) | Mathematische und physikalische Grundlagen für Computersimulationen
DM_E (MIT) | Physical Interfaces

Non-focus-specific electives (Cluster Media Management)
DM_E (MM) | Management mit Scrum
DM_E (MM) | mediale* 2012
DM_E (MM) | MediaMonday WS 11/12
DM_E (MM) | Medienrecht

Focus-specific electives for the field of Animation & Game
DM_E (A&G) | Compositing with Nuke and Maya
DM_E  (A&G | VID) | Stereoscopy (WS 2013/14) 
DM_E (A&G) | Writers’ Lab / Multimedial narration

Focus-specific electives for the field of Interactive Media Design