Birgit Pretzsch - Monday, 16:00 - 17:30, room F16/124 (Dieburg)

Tamara Onnis - Tuesday, 14:15 - 15:45, room F16/124 (Dieburg)


In this course and during this particularly important time with a newly-elected President who has managed in a short time to divide society, we will try and understand where American society is headed, what life is like for the average men and women, what are the racial conflicts, why the gun culture, the huge prison population, the ecological measures being taken.

In order to achieve this understanding, students will give presentations on subjects they themselves choose to insure the topic is one that interests him/her.  Information on what is expected from the presenter will be provided in detail.

Additionally to the presentations, students will give a Pecha Kucha – 20 slides, 20 seconds per slide, on a subject chosen by speaker.  With 20 seconds per slide, there is not the temptation to use a script and thus  the format encourages speaking freely.  Here, too, you will be provided with instructions.

This course is designed with two aims.  The first is to give sufficient time and encouragement for improving oral skills.  Or as the saying goes, ‘We have ways to make you talk.’  The second is to take an in-depth look at an extremely important part of modern society and thus to enable a better understanding of topical subjects.